Highlander Moonglow Mica (Mica)
OFA preliminary hips "fair" and elbows normal
Cystinuria clear
OFA heart certified by vet cardiologist
Daughter of Annie and Clayton
Mica is now retired and spayed and
going to a home where she will have 5 children of her own to love.

6-week-old baby picture
12 weeks old
This is her idea of helping me bake Christmas cookies on an icy day.
I think she just enjoyed listening to the Christmas music and the sleet pelting the roof.
She is a very large female at 30 inches tall at the shoulder. She weighed 135 pounds at one year old. I haven't weighed her since, so don't know what she weighs now. We playfully call her "Moose".
One year old   
2 yrs and 4 months 
on 7-6-09  
2 yrs and 4 months 
on 7-6-09  
2 yrs and 4 months 
on 7-6-09   
2 yrs old